Level 65 - Orange Field Frenzy
A photo of Level 65's field
Level 65 seems to be a infinite field of roses and flowers, that are specifcally the color orange. This field has many hills and some areas have trees and bushes. The trees have been analyzed to be made out of Eucalyptus wood.
Every surface of this field is covered with all sorts of orange flowers. These flowers give off a calming and sensational aroma, unlike any flower in The Frontrooms. It's knwon that these flowers are edible and nutritious, but dont give off any effects to the Wanderer, like Almond Water.
A M.E.G. Research Team tried to study the roots and general biology of these flowers, but it was unsucssesful, due to how different they are. Which got some people speculating that these orange flowers are not related to ours.
The temperature is constant , being about 24.3 C° everywhere. the temperature will not increase or decrase no matter what.
the daylight cycle in Level 65 is always at a constant daytime, specifically around 11 AM in the spring season. Althogh being daytime constantly, It's been observed that The Star has a anomalous effect . It seems to be moving randomly anywhere. It may be going up and down, left or right. Level 65 seems to be completely devoid of life, except for the plants and trees. Due to the level's habitability, Wanderers created a lot of Bases, Communities and Outposts in Level 65
Bases, Communitites and Outposts
M.E.G. Base Xi:
- has 34 inhabitants
- * small supply hub for Wanderers
- * is open for trading
B.N.T.G. Rehab Repository
- has 25 inhabitants
- helps Wanderers who have PTSD
- is not open for trading
Entrances and Exits
- Finding a orange flower patch on Level 10 or on Level 184 will take you to Level 65.
There are no known exits yet
Level 65 - Structual Shifting Asylum
Level 65 resembles a empty ruined hospital that looks like its's been built in the 1980's. The state of Level 65 is old, rotten and decayed, witht the smell of rotten bodies and blood. Theres random rubbish on th floor, consisting of metal and window frames. The walls are blue-tiled at the bottom and rough white concrete at the top. the floor and ceiling is made out of reinforced concrete.
Level 65 has multiple rooms containing a lot of rubbish. Some of the rooms have blood stains everywhere. You may come across stairs that go up or down into more rooms and corridors in this Level. The air in Level 65 is pretty toxic and lethal for humans without gas masks.
Windows on the level presumabley show an outside, but any attempts of recording made the windows look distorted.
Level 65 is infested with Entities. These include Smilers, Hounds, Wretches, Skin-Stealers, Dullers, Crawlers and Deathrats. they have evolved to live in the toxic gas thats present in the level and are ready to attack you at any moment, so be safe out there.
Interestingly, Level 65, in its prior form, was a infinite habitable field. Something somehow changed the entire layout and environemnt of Level 65
M.E.G. Base Xi Incident Log:
Start Log
Jay N. Hey William.
William J. Yea, what is it?
Jay N. So um, I've been trying to contact M.E.G. in Base Xi but…
William J. but What?
Jay N. They're not responding?
William J. Hmm, interesting. Shouldn't they like.. respond immediately?
Jay N. I don't know, they are usually very active
William J. Ye! How bout we go there personally to see what has happened to them?
Jay N. Yea, sounds like a good idea. I'm currently in Level 184 so do you just come to me and then we figure things out?
William J. Ye of course!
After some time…
Jay N. Uhh, William!
William J. Yea, I'm seeeing it right now!
William J. IDK IT'S….. a hospital!
Jay N. What happened to the level?
William J. Well I'm not sure at all. Why is this, HOW is this?
Jay N. More importantly, What happened to Base Xi and the Rehab Repository!?
William N. We don't have time anymore. We have to find a exit!. It stinks like shit and I'm not feeling well. Let's just get out of here and we contact M.E.G.!
End Log
As they contacted us. We are still unaware of how and why
Level 65's anomalous phenomena is happening. We are unsure, if we should sent some explorers in
Level 65. The phenomena may still happen and we presume all of the humans on
Level 65 are dead.
Entrances and Exits
- Finding a room in The Military Hospital may seemingly take you to Level 65
- A black door can take you to Level 2
Level 65 - The Blank Complex
A long corridor on Level 65.
Level 65 resembles a infinite complex made of stairs, corridors, hallways and turning corners
Wait, what? I thought it was a hospital. What's happening? And by the way, wasn't it a field with orange flowers before this decayed hospital?
The whole level is made out of white concrete and the floor is made out of grey concrete. The corridors are varied in size. Some rooms can be 3 meters long while other rooms can be very claustrophobic. The entire level has no windows or doors anywhere.
What is even happening anymore? I don't get it!
The Level is devoid of any entities. The level is overall pretty silent and the only thing you can hear are your footsteps.
Level 65 give the Wanderer a constant feeling of paranoia and hallucinations. It's impossible to map the level because it's non-euclidean.
Dude! I swear, whats wrong with LEVEL 65!
There are only some lights that work in Level 65 and overall, Level 65 is pretty dark. It's still undetermined if the level is actually safe and secure since it was recently discovered, although people rumored that Level 65 was something else.
Rumored? It literally existed, and then something happened!
It's been speculated that the level changes itself every year, as it has been observed to do that. For now, it's not advised to venture deep in Level 65 as there's a possibility that it could change again.
Entrances and Exits
So far, no exits have been found, but theres a entrance. Apparently, finidng a large door in The Whiteout will take you here.
Level 65 - RANDOMIZED Liminality!
Screw this whole description thingy
Level 65 will never be determined, nor observed, due to the fact that the entire level anomalously changes completely. Every aspect from environment to layout and accessability constantly changes every year in Level 65. We, as the M.E.G. are unaware of how and why this anomalous phenomena is happening, as it's pretty unique. The only other levels that have a somewhat similar effect is Level 40 and Level 444.
If you're curious, Level 65 is currently a big purple forest, although it's classed as a deadzone, so I don't recommend going there.
But exploring doesn't matter, as in less than a year, it's going to change again.
After the incident and the realization, we decided not to observe Level 65 anymore, as it's deemed unecessary to put it in the database when it's going to change in a year anyways.
If it's that random. I wonder if there's a chance where it's going to spawn the exit to The Frontrooms……………….. I can probably stay there! I will ignore M.E.G. and find Reality!
Not gonna lie, that was the most REGRETABBLE thing I did. Why did I chose to do this? I feel shit, I feel unstable. The PAIN! is really getting me horribly. Please, for you own safety, DON'T GO TO LEVEL 65!, IT'S THAT BAD! So while I'm lying down on the floor, I'm going to sa-ay- m-my final goodbye……….