Class 5
Environemnt: Stable
Geometry: Linear
Danger: Lethal

A comprehensive map of Level 6
Level 6 is the 7th level of the Backrooms.
Level 6 resembles a infinite labyrinth made out of a black concrete-like material. Very little is known about the level's structure and Level 6 overall, due to being shrouded in permanent and total darkness at all times. No light is able to pass through the level 6. In addition of Level 6 being completely 100% dark, it's also completely soundproof. The only noise you're able to hear is your footsteps. Level 6 is considered one of the most dangerous levels in The Main Nine, aside from Level 8. Traversing in the level is basically impossible, due to being 100% dark and soundproof. Many wanderers get a lot of psychological and mental delirium. Hallucinations are pretty common to spot in Level 6, due to the immense darkness.
Entrances and Exits
- Finding a staircase going down in Level 4 will take you here.
- Travelling deep into The Boiler Rooms of Level 5 can take you here.
- There's a low chance that no-clipping in a very dark room in any level can take you here.